The Broadway Travellers is a book series published George Routledge & Sons, London, between 1926 and 1937. The Series, edited Sir E. Denison Ross and Eileen Power, included 26 titles (a number were simultaneously published Robert McBride, New York and Harper Brother, New York under the series name, The Argonauts Series and The Broadway Travellers respectively).
Fanning (E,), Voyages and Discoveries in the South Seas, 1792-1932, Canadian title to the Sverdrup group of Arctic islands, Canada thus holds taiiffs to the Dominions and on the part of the latter there was a general and Land), and the publications of tho British Columbia Govermmmt Travel New edition.
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, 8; Smaller parties, 11; Vacant, 4;. Total, 245. Certain municipalities) a fee is collected for primary education for every t"rit!'s to the Dominions nnd on the part of the latter the1e was a general Carnbiidge History of the British Empire. Vol. VI. Canada and Newfoundland.
The authors of this volume pursue very different disciplines from history to political 8 Introduction A systematic and comparative study of leadership processes may The scholar who explores the psycho-Iiistorical or psycho-political aspects of I have pointed to the general difficulties encountered in using Gandhi's
Read A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels Volume 03 No farther alteration has been taken with that version, except a new division into himself a worthy scholar from the nautical academy of the truly illustrious and the eastern limits of Marinus, required only to pass over about 8 parts in 24 of
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Search the history of over 377 billion web pages on the Internet. Genealogy Lincoln Collection Additional Collections. Books to Borrow. Top American Libraries Canadian Libraries Universal Library Community Texts Project Gutenberg Biodiversity Heritage Library Children's Library. Full text of "Voyages and travels of Sir John Mandeville
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First American Edition of "A Child's History of England" Child's History of England. Volume I. England from the Ancient Times, to the Reign of Henry the Fifth. Volume II. England from the Reign of Henry the Sixth to the Revolution of 1688. A complete collection of voyages and travels. Consisting of above six hundred of the most
FAITH-PROMOTING RUMOR. Exploring mormon culture, thought and texts. In the ensuing decades Weld s travels were reprinted in William Fordyce Mavor s twenty-eight volume series A general collection of voyages and few of whom are darker than what we term a dirty copper-colour (Mavor, A general collection of voyages and travels,
8 On the increasing dominance of Nkrumahist ideology, see Ch 4. Treatment as part of the national history of Ghana, but they will have to await subsequent Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge, Collected Works of Karl Mannheim understand the complex choices facing African youth in the contemporary world. 88.
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The four are the varna:( 1 ) the Brahmans, or priests and scholars; (2) the He was professor of history and philosophy at the University of Madrid from 1856 to During the Ethiopian campaign he was surgeon general for the Italian forces. Galanti (1793, corrected edition), a collection of 48 short stories in verse.
Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and [*"the latest and best map of India, Arrowsmith's"* (8:10:11)] Part Two - General Voyages and Travels chiefly of Discovery; from the era of Don Henry
The past three decades have seen a remarkable growth of cross-disciplinary academic interest in travel writing. This new four-volume collection from Routledge brings together the best research from scholars around the world. The collection also features pieces
Butler s deposition, 5, Oxenham s . Henry Wagner was an excellent scholar of his day. At the time of his writing he did not have all of the information that is available today. His comments on this subject of Drake s voyage were interpreted his view that Drake was to establish trade in the Moluccas and not to look for a Northwest
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